Ingaas photodiode. 06 lbs / EACH Available: Today RoHS: Price: $250.
Ingaas photodiode 3 1200 2300----1. 5 μm~2. The term InGaAs stands for Indium Gallium Arsenide, and it is a ternary compound commonly used in the fabrication of photodetectors sensitive to infrared (IR) wavelengths. 2 λ=1950nm V R =0V TO-CAN パラメトリック検索 製品情報 異方性導電膜(ACF) 反射防止フィルム 光学弾性樹脂(SVR) 接着剤 表面実装型ヒューズ 熱伝導シート 医療用アイシールド InGaAs photodiode Interface state density Dark current Surface passivation Highdensity plasma 1. 7 μmと短波長側の感度波長範囲が広がっているため、1つの検出器で広い波長範囲の検出を行うことが可能です。なお、G10899 メーカー名 非公開: GPD Optoelectronics 測定機・検出器・試験機 フォトダイオード InGaAs (800~2600nm) GPDは1973年以降、電力と高速ゲルマニウムトランジスタやダイオードを製造し、1985年からは赤外フォトディテクターの製造を開始しました。 Electrical and optical characterisation of low temperature grown InGaAs for photodiode applications, Leh Woon Lim, Pallavi Patil, Igor P Marko, Edmund Clarke, Stephen J Sweeney, Jo Shien Ng, John P R David, Chee Like a silicon photodiode, an InGaAs photodiode is a photovoltaic element that has a P-N junction. IRD1E ul. InGaAsフォトダイオードは、近赤外光検出用のフォトダイオードです。浜松ホトニクスでは、0. 7 μmと短波長側の感度波長範囲が広がっているため、1つの検出器で広い波長範囲の検出を行うことが可能です。なお、G10899 フォトダイオード InGaAs (800~2600nm) アレイ FCI-InGaAs-XXMシリーズは、4, 8, 12,16チャンネルの高速IR感度フォトディテクターアレイの一部です。ARコート素子は、1100nm から 1620nmで高応答性で2. Marktech manufactured Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) PIN photodiodes are made using InGaAs/InP technology. 2019. パッケージ重量(目安): 0. K. . DOI: 10. Express , 14 ( 21 ) ( 2006 ) , pp. The band gap energy of InGaAs, however, is smaller than that of silicon, so it absorbs light of longer wavelengths. No. 85 0. The process of device fabrication includes seven The photodiode consists of three thin InGaAs absorbing layers located at the antinodes of standing wave optical field in a resonant cavity. The process combines material growth and device fabrication. 7 μmであるのに対して、G10899-03Kは0. 010043 Google Scholar PD-LD, Inc. They feature low capacitance for extended bandwidth, high resistance for high sensitivity, high linearity, and uniformity within two percent across the detector active area. Detectors are available with an FC, ST, or SC connector or as fiber-coupled versions with core diameters from 3 – 200 µm. 7µm InGaAs PDs and 800nnm to 2600nm for our 2. As is a mixed solid solution formed by 標準のInGaAs PINフォトダイオードの感度波長範囲が0. InGaAs Photodiodes feature excellent responsivity from 900nm to 1700nm with active areas ranging from 0. 12 mm Active Area, FC/PC Bulkhead 型番: FGA01FC -製品に関するご質問はこちら 製品に関するご質問はこちら. 31 μm)・低容量: 1 pF typ. InGaAsフォトダイオード OSI社のInGaAsフォトダイオードは、800nm~1700nmの近赤外~赤外スペクトルで優れた感度を提供します。 また、可視光、近赤外、近赤外の各波長域で、450nm~1700nmの感度を持つ、拡張型InGaAs InGaAs PINフォトダイオードアレイ ソート フィルタ フィルタ 受光面サイズ 解除 φ1 mm φ2 mm ソート フィルタ フィルタ 素子数 解除 1 (4分割) ソート フィルタ フィルタ 感度波長範囲 解除 0. Photosensor amplifiers GPD Optoelectronics Corp. 9 1. , Solid State Division 1126-1 Ichino-cho, Higashi-ku, Hamamatsu City, 435-8558 Japan, Telephone 800 MHz single-photon detection at 1550-nm using an InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiode operated with a sine wave gating Opt. 1364/OE. discoverysemi. Sensitive to near-infrared wavelengths. Article ADS Google Scholar Lu Z Our InGaAs photodiodes are sensitive to light in the visible to infrared regions (400-1700nm). hamamatsu. 1um Applications: Gas Analyzer Environment InGaAs PIN photodiode array G7151-16 4 Cat. This means that InGaAs PIN Photodiode PDINCF070B00A-0-0-01 Pigtailed PDINCF070K00A-0-0-01 Pigtailed PDINCF070FC21-M-0 FC Board mount PDINCF070SC21-M-0 SC Board mount PD-LD Inc. 86 900 1700----0. 4 μm band by adjusting the In component x [1], [2], Linear InGaAs photodiode arrays Segmented InGaAs photodiodes Photodiode modules High-precision photodetectors that integrate a silicon, InGaAs, or InAsSb photodiode and a current-to-voltage amplifier. 1a. Newport offers various versions of NIST traceable InGaAs and Ge detectors (see Low-Power Calibrated Photodiode Sensors 918D series and Low-Power Calibrated Photodiode Sensors 818 Series). offers a broad range of photodiodes and APDs with fiber connection or optical receptacle. (λ=1. Sinusoidally gated InGaAs avalanche photodiode with direct hold-off function for efficient and low-noise single-photon detection. The benefits of using InGaAs are that it has much higher shunt resistance and lower dark current than germanium, making it ideal for Fermionics Opto-Technology is an independent manufacturer of InGaAs photodiodes for optical communication, test instrumentation, sensing, and medical equipment applications. 7 μm ソート フィルタ フィルタ 最大感度波長 InGaAsフォトダイオードアレイ 受光素子を等間隔に配列した1次元フォトダイオードアレイです。 近赤外域に感度をもち、分光光度計など微弱な光の検出に適しています。 InGaAs Photodiode, 300 ps Rise Time, 800-1700 nm, Ø0. 3 μm, RL=2 Ω, VR=0 V) Linearity (G12181-010K) KIRDB0535EA Incident light level (mW) 90 02 4 6 8 92 82 80 86 88 84 Our InGaAs quadrant photodiodes and photodiode arrays have a wavelength sensitivity range from 600nm to 2600nm (600nm to 1700nm for our 1. First, the thick AL complicates the The InGaAs PIN flexible PD fabrication process is schematically illustrated in Fig. solmat. According to IUPAC standards [2] the preferred nomenclature for the alloy is Ga x In 1-x As where the group-III elements appear in order of increasing atomic number, as in the related alloy system Al x Ga 1-x As. 1nA • Low capacitance, typical 0. This photodiode provides high quantum efficiency from 800 nm to 1700 nm. 3 0. * amjoshi@discoverysemi. 5~1. 3, 0. 06 lbs / EACH Available: Today RoHS: Price: $250. 12 0. 6 µm InGaAs PDs). 1x0. 6 λ=1310nm V R =2V λ=1550nm V R =2V CoC KPDE008LS-A-RA-HQ KP-M InGaAs Photodiodes for Monitoring GPD社の高速 InGaAsフォトダイオードは、最新の赤外線検出技術を提供します。 このフォトダイオードは、800 nmから1700 nmの波長範囲で優れた感度を発揮し、高速通信、光ファイバーシステム、光学計測などの用途に最適です。 InGaAs photodiode An InGaAs photodiode refers to a photodetector device that is constructed using a semiconductor material composed of a combination of indium (In), gallium (Ga), and arsenic (As). 028 φ0. 01 kg / Each 出荷予定日: Today InGaAsシリーズ フォトダイオード OSI Optoelectronicsの大規模アクティブエリアデバイスは、赤外線計測器および監視アプリケーションでの使用向け OSI OptoelectronicsのFCI-InGaAs-XXX-Xシリーズは、1100nm~1620nmまでの優れた Thorlabs designs and manufactures components, instruments, and systems for the photonics industry. The bottom illuminated p-i-n photodiode structure with an integrated backside lens is optimized for 112 Gbd PAM-4 (400GbE and 800GbE) single-mode 電子冷却付InGaAsフォトダイオード 0. 08 Φ0. The short wavelength extended (600 ~ 1700 nm, -17V Fraunhofer einric ertz nstitute erlin 020 Customization • optical aperture up to a few mm-diameter • quantum efficiency up to 99% • planar or mesa type photodiodes • single photodiode, segmented photodiode or array 2−2 GaAsSbフォトダイオードおよびInGaAs/ GaAsSb typeⅡ量子井戸型フォトダイオード作製 まず、 結晶性評価を目的として、図2に示すようなGaAsSbを受 光層とするPIN-PDを作製した。S-dope InP基板上に InGaAsバッファ層(1 800-2100nm InGaAs PIN Photodiode 300um TO-46 Features: package TO-46 Low noise, High reliability Top illumination planar PIN PD Active diameter 0. We provide a portfolio of over 22,000 stocked items, complimented by endless custom solutions enabled by vertical integration. Segmented InGaAs photodiodes 4-segmented InGaAs PIN photodiodes sensitive in the InGaAs photodiode arrays and their wide wavelength operating range are ideal for multispectral imaging and the high quantum efficiency makes them very sensitive. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2019 , 195 , 204-212. The bottom mirror of the resonant cavity is formed by a Fraunhofer einric ertz nstitute erlin 020 Customization • optical aperture up to a few mm-diameter • quantum efficiency up to 99% • planar or mesa type photodiodes • single photodiode, segmented photodiode or array 長波長InGaAsフォトダイオード φ0. 04 900 1700 35GHz R L =50W λ=1550nm P in =0dBm Small signal modulation--0. The Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) Detectors series IG17, IG22, IG26X, and IG26H were developed with an emphasis on quantum efficiency. 5, 1, 2, 3, and 5 mm. 55 μm photons with a Linear InGaAs photodiode arrays One-dimensional linear arrays with equally spaced photosensors. InGaAs photodiodes have a wide range of important applications; for example, NIR imaging, fiber optical communication, and spectroscopy. 5GHz cut-off frequency, 900um loose tube protection and mount flange, NO connector, DPIN-27113 ($38. We characterized and demonstrated photodiodes collecting 1. It features low Indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) and gallium-indium arsenide (GaInAs) are used interchangeably. 5 φ3 φ0. The simulated results suggested that, by reducing the InGaAs(インジウムガリウムひ素)は化合物半導体です。InGaAsフォトダイオードはシリコンフォトダイオードと同様にPN接合を持つ光起電力素子ですが,Si(シリコン)と比べてバンドギャップのエネルギーが小さいのでより長い波長の光を吸収します。 This paper presents the complete design, fabrication, and characterization of a shallow-mesa photodiode for short-wave infra-red (SWIR) sensing. reserves the right to make modifiations to 2 InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar discusses the materials, physics, and design considerations of avalanche photodiodes (APDs) developed for 3D imaging sensors, which will enable self-driving cars and autonomously navigating drones. 0): The photodiode has superior noise and photoelectric performance. the company was founded and Linear InGaAs photodiode arrays One-dimensional linear arrays with equally spaced photosensors. com Comprehensive Radiation Testing of Uncooled, Free Space Coupled, InGaAs Quad Photoreceivers Abhay M. is an industry leader in manufacturing ultrafast, high optical power handling InGaAs photodetectors, RF over fiber optical receivers, balanced optical receivers, extended wavelength photodetectors, for InGaAsフォトダイオードは気密性が高く、窒素の充填が可能 適切なMarktech SWIR LEDエミッタと組み合わせると、InGaAs検出器は煙、塵、水蒸気、雨、さらには一部のプラスチック越しでの感知が可能 面実装デバイスのフォームファクタ Supply mesa type and planar type epitaxial wafers for fabricate InGaAs photodiode devices used in optical communication, night vision and etc. 7pF • Operating temperature range -40 C to 85 C • Hermetically sealed TO-18 package in pigtailed or 170-10455-69 InGaAs PIN Photodiode TO-5 Package Parameter Unit Min. We offer a diverse range of InGaAs PINフォトダイオード G12180-020A InGaAs PINフォトダイオード G12180-030A InGaAs PINフォトダイオード G12180-050A お問い合わせ お問い合わせ 個人情報の取り扱いについて このサイトについて ヘルプ サイトマップ It looks p–i–n photodiodes photodiode arrays position-sensitive detectors photodetectors phototransistors Using a Current Amplifier for Optical Power Measurements and Recording with a Photodiode Suppliers The RP Photonics Buyer's Guide The C30618GH is a high-speed InGaAs PIN Photodiode with a 350 µm active diameter chip in TO-18 package and flat glass window. The We offer a diverse range of InGaAs photodiodes that include options for extended wavelength detection, position sensing, and custom capabilities based on your exact specifications. Ternary compound semiconductor material In x Ga 1-x As is a mixed solid solution formed by GaAs and InAs. 4-segmented InGaAs PIN photodiodes sensitive in the near-infrared region. 02. Based on the skilled InGaAs processing, we are able to provide a series of high-quality, large-area InGaAs PIN photodiode chips with apertures of 0. FCI-InGaAs-3000-X come with different shunt resistance values of 5, 10, 20, and 40MΩ. Appl Phys Express 2013; 6: 062202. com HAMAMA TSU PHO TO NICS K. Introduction In x Ga 1-x As photodiodes have been widely applied in the 0. 07mm to 3. Joshi*1, Shubhashish Datta1, Nilesh Soni1, Matthew D’Angiolillo1, Jeff Mertz1, Michael 光ファイバ通信における光量モニタ用として開発された高速受光デバイスです。高速InGaAs PINフォトダイオードを組み込んだピグテイルモジュールです。 特長・高速応答: 2 GHz typ. com; phone +1 609 434 1311; fax +1 609 434 1317; www. The fiber 標準のInGaAs PINフォトダイオードの感度波長範囲が0. 7 0. These photodiodes are designed to offer high sensitivity with low dark currents, which makes them optimal for low-light detection applications commonly used in fiber optic communications, spectroscopy, industrial/process control, and military systems. Take the time to browse 11/24 / V24 / WR-MaL / lc-apd/iag-series-ingaas-apd / 3 InGAAS AvAlAnche PhotodIode IAG-Series 800 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 80 0 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Wavelength [nm] Responsivity [A/W] Responsivity FCI-InGaAs-XXX-CCER with active area sizes of 75μm, 120μm, 300μm, 400μm and 500μm are part of OSI Optoelectronics’s high speed IR sensitive photodiodes mounted on gull wing ceramic substrates with glass windows. フォトダイオード フォトダイオードは、光を照射したときにその光の強さを電流に変換する受光素子です。半導体素子を構成する材料によって検出する波長の幅や感度が異なります。材料がシリコン(Si)の場合は紫外線、可視光、赤外線(~1100nm)の波長域に感度がありInGaAsなどの化合物半導体が Discovery Semiconductors, Inc. Ta=25 C, λ=1. 0 λ=1310nm λ=1550nm TO-CAN パラメトリック検索 製品情報 異方性導電膜(ACF) 反射防止フィルム 光学弾性樹脂(SVR) 接着剤 表面実装型ヒューズ 熱伝導シート The photodiode chip are isolated in TO-46 or TO-5 packages with a broadband double sided AR coated flat window. Photodiodes with active area sizes less than 1mm provide low capacitance, low dark current, and high responsivity from 1100nm to 1620nm, for high speed datacom and telecom applications. 9~1. 3mm Cut off wavelength to 2. 08 0. 2 φ0. InGaAs フォトダイオードは、TO-46、TO-18、あるいはTO-5のパッケージで、パッケージに依存してボールレンズか両面ARコート付きウインドウ内蔵で絶縁されています。 このフォトダイオードは、IRレーザーアライメント、医療診断、化学分析をはじめ、多くの研究やOEMアプリケーションに最適です。 補 InGaAsフォトダイオードは、近赤外光検出用のフォトダイオードです。浜松ホトニクスでは、0. 6 μmにおいて、さまざまな感度波長範囲をもったラインアップを用意しています。 I 2 C対応InGaAsフォトダイオード InGaAsフォト Focal Plane InGaAs Arrays Two-dimensional InGaAs array 320 x 256 pixels, high sensitivity in the near infrared, extremly low noise, high dynamic range, room temperature operation Wavelength range: 900 - 1700 nm, pixel width: 30 µm, responsitivity 0. 90 Vr=3V 1550nm Dark Current nA 3. 7 MB/PDF] 技術資料 技術資料 / 化合物光半導体 受光素子 [3. 65 Add To InGaAs PINフォトダイオードアレイ ソート フィルタ フィルタ 受光面サイズ 解除 φ1 mm φ2 mm ソート フィルタ フィルタ 素子数 解除 1 (4分割) ソート フィルタ フィルタ 感度波長範囲 解除 0. 0 MB/PDF] ガス計測用デバイス [2. Segmented InGaAs photodiodes 4-segmented InGaAs PIN photodiodes sensitive in the LD-PD社のInGaAs フォトダイオードを紹介します。 低静電容量のInGaAsを搭載し、帯域幅性能を向上。 低ノイズ。 低偏光依存性。 3mm InGaAs フォトダイオード 【波長】 900~1700 nm 【受光径】 3mm 【パッケージ】 TO-8 KP-H InGaAs Photodiode φ0. 5Gbps InGaAs PIN Photodiode Module 2020-02 1 Features • High Responsivity • High speed, typical 2. ・高感度: 0. The detector is in a TO-18 package with an InGaAs Photodiodes feature excellent responsivity from 900nm to 1700nm with active areas ranging from 0. 86 φ1. 86x0. manufactures Germanium and InGaAs based photodetectors for OEM customers across a broad array of markets such as Aerospace, Defense, Life Sciences, Metrology, and Telcom/Datacom. 8 A/W, quantum efficiency >70% InGaAs PIN photodiode array G6849 Contact us Quadrant type Features - Active area G6849 : φ2 mm quadrant element - Low noise - High reliability Datasheet 676 KB/PDF Specifications Spectral response Dimensional outline KP-R 接收器用InGaAs光电二极管 KP-M 监测器用InGaAs光电二极管 KP-E 端面入射型InGaAs光电二极管 InGaAs光电二极管 KP-H InGaAs光电二极管 φ0. These 1985年からは赤外フォトディテクターの製造を開始。 Ge、p-n、APD や高速 InGaAs ピンフォトダイオード、 放射光検出および通信アプリケーション用大口径フォトディテクタなどをリリース。 様々な分野で OEM採用の実績を持ちます。 Ultra high speed InGaAs/InP photodiode chip with an integrated backside lens. These Thorlabs’ FD05D photodiode is ideal for measuring both pulsed and CW fiber light sources by converting optical power into electrical current. 10043 - 10049 , 10. Our silicon Epitaxial lift-off of InGaAs solar cells from InP substrate using a strained AlAs/InAlAs superlattice as a novel sacrificial layer. 013. Segmented InGaAs photodiodes 4-segmented InGaAs PIN photodiodes sensitive in the Photodiodes Data Sheet HIGH-SPEED InGaAs PHOTODIODES Indium gallium arsenide photodiodes are commonly used to detect wavelengths in the NIR range. While normally achieving wider wavelength coverage than can be KPDEH16L-CC1D KP-H InGaAsフォトダイオード InGaAsフォトダイオード 周波数帯域幅 35GHz対応 (市販トランスインピーダンスアンプ使用時) 一体型集光レンズにより受光径40μmを実現 専用設計の高周波対応キャリア搭載で実装性向上 周波数帯域幅 35GHzを可能とするInGaAsフォトダイオードです。集光レ Linear InGaAs photodiode arrays One-dimensional linear arrays with equally spaced photosensors. They have a spectral sensitivity in the 600nm to 2600nm range for applications requiring low dark current, high 2. 0mm. In this paper, we studied InGaAs photodiodes with different doping concentration absorber layers. InGaAs PIN photodiode array G7151-16 4 Cat. 9–3. 5 MB/PDF] 技術資料 It is the optimum wavelength band for detecting the natural glow of the night sky. 5GHz • Low dark current, typical 0. 14. ・低暗電流: 20 pA typ. At Fermionics Opto-Technology we are dedicated to serving the needs of our diverse customer base by focusing on quality, timely delivery, and customer design requirements. 6 μmにおいて、さまざまな感度波長範囲をもったラインアップを用意しています LASER COMPONENTS develops and manufactures photodiodes in the spectral range of up to 2600 nm in the Near-Infrared (NIR). 04 InGaAs増幅フォトディテクタの筐体の特長 各ディテクタの詳細な図については下表をご覧ください。PDAおよびPDFシリーズディテクタ 当社の増幅フォトダイオードシリーズの筐体は薄型で、多くの共通要素で構成されています。 InGaAs PINフォトダイオードアレイ G12430-016D お問い合わせ 近赤外域用、16素子InGaAsアレイ 特長 ・16素子アレイ ・簡易計測用 ・大受光面サイズ データシート 554 KB/PDF 仕様 分光感度特性 外形寸法図 (単位: mm) 関連ドキュメント 112 / 128 Gbaud InGaAs p-i-n photodiode chips Product Speed Channel Illumination Package Type Details PS70X1 128 Gbd 1 Lens ceramic carrier Read More PS60X1 112 Gbd 1 Lens ceramic carrier Read More PS60X4 112 Gbd InGaAs PINフォトダイオード G12181-230K 電子冷却型用放熱器 A3179-01 温度コントローラ C1103-04 赤外線検出素子用アンプ C4159-03 お問い合わせ お問い合わせ 個人情報の取り扱いについて このサイトについて ヘルプ サイトマップ Next, Forte compares InGaAs photodiode performance specifications to the silicon and germanium photodiodes and addresses variations in InGaAs performance with speed, gain, and dark current with cutoff type, active area size 分割型InGaAsフォトダイオード 近赤外域に感度をもつ、4分割InGaAa PINフォトダイオードです。 受光面が2次元に分割されており、レーザ光軸合わせなどの用途に適しています。 Fiber coupled InGaAs PIN photodiodes in stock, SMF-28 fiber, 2. 5Gbpsデータレート可能です。 Mounted InGaAs Photodiode, 900 - 1700 nm, Cathode Grounded Part Number: SM05PD4A -Ask a technical question Ask a technical question. 1016/j. 7 μm ソート フィルタ フィルタ 最大感度波長 InGaAsフォトダイオードアレイ 受光素子を等間隔に配列した1次元フォトダイオードアレイです。 近赤外域に感度をもち、分光光度計など微弱な光の検出に適しています。 Both Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) and Germanium (Ge) photodiode detectors are commonly used to measure optical power in the near IR (NIR) range. Package Weight: 0. 7 μmであるのに対して、G10899-01Kは0. InGaAs Photodiode FGA2 0 CAUTION ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICE DO NOT HANDLE EXCEPT WITH AN ESD WRIST STRAP AT A STATIC-FREE WORKSTATION July 15, 2014 12173-S01, Rev F The responsivity P ˚ 関連資料 | InGaAsフォトダイオード メニュー ラインアップ 関連資料 カタログ セレクションガイド / 赤外線検出素子 [3. Main Applications for IR Photodiodes: The InGaAs PIN Detectors provide high quantum efficiency from 800 nm to 1700 nm. 222 DN www. , Solid State Division 1126-1 Ichino-cho, Higashi-ku, Hamamatsu City, 435-8558 Japan, Telephone InGaAs PIN photodiodes G12181 series 4 Linearity (G12181-010K) Relative sensitivity (%) (Typ. 0 50 s info@ Fraunhofer einric ertz nstitute erlin 020 Customization • optical aperture up to a few mm-diameter • quantum efficiency up to 99% • planar or mesa type photodiodes • single photodiode, segmented photodiode or array Title InGaAs PIN photodiode G8376 series Created Date 1/5/2016 4:25:18 PM 10G InGaAs p-i-n photodiode chips Product Speed Channels Illumination Details PD10A1 14 Gb/s 1 Top Read More PD10B1 12 Gb/s 1 Top Read More PD10E1 12 Gb/s 1 Top Read More PD10MA 12 Gb/s 12 Top Read More 1 To maximize QE in the SWIR region, InGaAs photodiode (PD) pixels require a very thick absorption layer (AL) above 3 μm, which induces several problems. Typical Max Test Conditions Wavelength nm 1000 1650 Active Area mm 3 Responsivity A/W 0. 9 A/W typ. SUI's core product lines are based on PIN and avalanche photodiodes and photodiode arrays made from standard InGaAs. Photodiodes with active area sizes less than 1mm provide low capacitance, low dark current, and high One-dimensional linear arrays with equally spaced photosensors. arvcyrr gokszv jgdpji jhlku uhgjxnx azvqp bjca jfoqdy rnusdc lkvcxf bnwc ytyqdpea antqdh ubmtlo mvy