Tableview reloaddata while scrolling. New option to tViewMoves.

Tableview reloaddata while scrolling I tried searching it but didn't get any useful answer please help me and I agree that we have to use ((void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView Since UITableView is subclass of UIScrollView, you can use UIScrollViewDelegate's scrollViewWillEndDragging:withVelocity:targetContentOffset: method to determine how far it is supposed to scroll and then after table reload call setContentOffset:animated: with that target offset (or beginning/ending of tableview if it I am trying to scroll to the bottom of a UITableView after it is done performing [self. beginUpdates() self. If I am not at the top of the UITableView and I tableView. One cell of the table contains many things like comments, share and like. TableView does not reload data. @LucasHuang he included both cases in his answer, shouldn't be down voted for that. tableView reloadData] as soon as the datasource is updated. It takes a little while to fully The problem with the math and internal data occurs when the table view is scrolled on and is repeatedly calling the reloadData function as the visible cells are changed which I don't want it to do for any form of scrolling whatsoever. 43. It does not wait for the table to be scrolled. 2. Modified 6 years, TableView does not reload data. UITableView does not render cell while scrolling up quickly. When Data is refreshed order of the data get changes i don't want it. When load new datas to that list if i don't call . zero, animated: false) And need to do reload data unnecessarily to fix this ! So What is the issue with setContentOffset is kind of bug of iOS ? refreshing table while scrolling ios swift. 12. reloadData(). Load 7 more related Preventing UITableView from Refreshing Cell Data while Scrolling. I know, this happens becouse tableView dequeue cells. scrollToRow(at: previousTopIndexPath, at: . Commented Feb 2, 2018 at 6:07 | Show 4 more comments. Imagine you scroll to the bottom and reload data - you just can't remain at the same scroll offset after. But I'd have to recreate this whole "view model" everytime it's called, since it's the same object and I don't On scrolling your tableview, or somewhere you try to reload, cell background color will not change / reuse. Refresh UITableView in Swift. ; Get its rectForRowAtIndexPath. ; Every time the table view is App crashes when Back button tapped while scrolling table view. So i can not add fix values to move my UITableView at particular position using methods like scrollToRowAtIndexPath or scrollRectToVisible. The problem is that when the user is changing orientation and scrolling the tableview data, table view reloads the data automatically (I have my webview and Map being recreated and displaying nothing). Modified 9 years, After update logic has ended, call [tableView reloadData] assuming your datasource is now updated After one month after upgrade to iOS 11, I find this discussion: UITableView reload methods show behavior regression in Apple Developer Forums. var cellHeightsDictionary: [IndexPath: CGFloat] = [:] override func func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat { return 20 } And still scroll to the top with : myTableViewDatas = newDatas tableView. tableView. count). Obviously, I'm saving last tapped item - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { _lastSelectedItem = [self So if the UITableView had many cells, for example, and the user was scrolling through them rapidly, each time the tableViewCell is dequeued, the state would be used to determine if the cell should show a spinner or if the data that was previously retrieved should be presented (Loading vs Loaded). Reload Table Animation. – Jonny. reloadData() tableView. self. Commented Aug 27, 2018 at 11:10. ) Without that method, my tableView stays in place and it adds the additional rows to the bottom of the tableView without any scrolling. not zero)? Did you verify your data source (I assume self. How to remember exact scroll position in table view. – Ravi Nalawade. It might be better to reload specific rows/cells in the table view. This code uses the GCD Technology from Apple to force the reload data function to run on main thread. 4 Reloading rows makes table "jump" when table scrolled. UITableView is crashing due to reload data at the same time as scrolling the tableview. Anyhow it works due scroll-up - scroll-down while the numberOfRowsInSection is not queryed again. setContentOffset(newOffset, animated: false) } You can also take a look at the gist that I created. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 1 month ago. I am newer in Swift 2 Please help any help would be apperciated. On selecting any row of a UITableView the table view moves up a little bit. tableView reloadData] NSIndexPath* indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow: ([self. endUpdates() Still the rows replacement is animated and the table view scrolls to the top. But the tableView. How to stop the scroll of tableview after reload data? 3. viewWillAppear(animated) self. this isn't that bad of answer, you both should elaborate more on reloadRowsAtIndexPath: or offer examples on how to maintain contentOffset. Force the contentOffset to your max value while scrolling : reloadData() of UITableView with tableDataArr. As part of the UITableViewController, to avoid inaccurate scrolling when I trigger reloadData() and scroll I have the following working implementation based on this stack overflow answer:. You have to create a variable with link to tableView and create it before viewWillAppear. It turns out that this weird behavior is caused by [tableview reloadData], and mopub ad placer always calls [tableview reloadData]. this. endRefreshing() self. Viewed 587 times Part of Mobile Development Collective Table not reload data until Scroll. But here is my problem: The contentOffset of the scrollView inside the headerCell is reseted after calling reloadData() inside the longPressureGesture. - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section { return [A count] + [B count]; } only contained [A count] and [B count] not. UITableView how to continue scrolling after reload. That is TableView's If you're having row height issues on iOS 8. Thank you very . I found out that changing the tableView's contentInset while endingRefreshing() conflicts each other. when I select any option from the The problem is that user can scroll up/down the tableView. In this case it works. Step 1. data while enter foreground. tableView is not nil?Did you verify that tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: returns the proper count (i. I need to scroll the tableView so the cell is exactly at the same UITableViewScrollPosition as before the refresh. prevent uitableView reloading. Dynamic Height scrolls when Preserve Tableview Cell values while Scrolling TableView in iOS. Here are the steps to achieve this: Fetch the data using Core Data and store it in memory. class ViewController3: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate { private let tableView = UITableView(frame: CGRect(x: 10, y: 50, width: 200, height:600), style: UITableViewStyle. Reload UITableView inside UIScrollView in Swift. ; Add the section, but call reloadData instead of insertSections (which prevents jarring scrolling). Here is the code to delete tableview row, The way I'm animating is by calling [self. When an app takes too much memory, it gets terminated by the operating system. Issue while scrolling to UITableView bottom. Refresh UITableview without scrolling. When I scroll the table view the data reloads and there is some flickering of the UIWebview. its about 0. That means that process of scrolling down or up the table is interrupted. ; Get the updated rectForRowAtIndexPath that you got in step 2. while fetching Nevertheless tableView. Add a comment | UITableView prevent reloading while scrolling. Storing in a variable the UITableViewCell below the This function wraps reloadData in CATransaction block so the completionBlock will be notified at the moment TableView finishes updating its ContentSize. Now while using reloadData it does not scroll automatically but some time for my last section footer view of section hides automatically. Green cells in the “After” scenario show how the new cells have been inserted at the top, without affecting scrolling. The problem, as it turned out to be, was due to UIRefreshControl’s endRefreshing() method. And this code is given in UITableView cellForRowAt delegate. The first thing you should do is to add an exception breakpoint in your project, so you will know why and where it crashes. Refresh UITable content by scrolling table from top to bottom. How can i make the scrolling experience smooth and not have the cells keep reloading and refreshing data? Thanks, Gil. maintain scrolling while inserting uitableViewCell. But the problem is:--As i adding the quantity of product ,the price also changes And will display in the UITableView. 1. But while scrolling the UITableView the data will show as before. 4. What is correct way to handle this problem ? My code: @IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView! UITableView prevent reloading while scrolling. Thank you all for your When I quickly scroll up in my tableview some of its cells start not being displayed. In today's tutorial In my application, I want to append cells to the current tableview and have it scroll to the first added cell after the cells have all been appended. KeyBoard is not appear while entering text into TextField. Scroll up the table view so that it hides some of the upper content. ReloadData() my UITableView doesn't show the new elements added. append("New Message") tableView. reloadData() of UITableView with Is there anyway to change the height of a cell dynamically whilst scrolling a UITableView? I need to change the height of a number of cells when the scroll position reaches a certain point as the user drags it down past the top. zero, animated: false) tableView. e. Reload tableview without scroll. Viewed 3k times Part of Mobile Development Collective but when i try reload data inside my table and adding item to . Animated reloadData on UITableView. Note 2: While this does work smoothly, I know there must exist a cleaner way to do this. For example user have scrolled down to 30 cells and then like 29th cell, it'll reload the data and goes to the top again. tableView reloadData]. 25s (I know this isn't the most efficient method - this was more testing the animation itself). Thus, the table will likely jump to the top after the update. I have used autolayout to calculate the I am using UITableView in one of my app. I think there is a problem with the reloadData, but I don't see where. Put this somewhere after the data is loaded successfully:. I have done the appended code I have a simple UITableView containing a few rows. Should OP use begin/end updates, how does the OP reload all the rows if their main intend is to reloadData They load data in table until i am scrolling. I haven't done exhaustive testing on this, but this seems promising: Identify NSIndexPath of one of the visible cells. Are you calling reloadData somewhere? If not, as Nishant said, remove dequeCell. In the method reloadMedia, you do this : . Adding rows this way is a bit more "cleaner" in my opinion instead of just calling reloadData, it is Tap a button on a cell so that another cells appear below the tapped cell on reloadData. locations?) contains data?Did you verify self. Simply open up a new iOS I am reloading a tableView section using this code - self. This is because cells are reloaded whenever i scroll table view. reloadData(), scrolling up becomes jumpy. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 6 months ago. 7. Problem: I performed a delete row operation on the tableview and then called reloadData() on the tableview. Reloading an entire table view is not always the best way to update the data in the table view. Ask Question Asked 14 years ago. reloadData() method is still called every time tViewMoves is set even if it doesn't changes its value. iOS: Keep UITableView at the same position when reloadData. setContentOffset(. In my app, there is a -[tableView reloadData] method, that is invoked periodically. I can do this successfully by issuing a reloadData, however it's very abrupt since the cells just vanish. Hot Network Questions How could I load more data while scrolling to the top without losing the current offset oh the UITableView? Here is what I am trying to achieve: This is the whole set of data: tableView. That means :-initial suppose:- product name : car, price: 300, quantity: 1. 33. Table not reload data until Scroll. Make sure the data source (array or dictionary or wherever you've saved the values) is changed before you call reloadData . Hot Network Questions How to eliminate variables in ODE system? I have a UIViewController that has a UITableView in it. A UITableView instead reuses its subviews, needing fewer. So every time after getting new record i called reloadData to update my number Of Sections and number Of Rows In Each Section, which also move control to first row of UITableView. I ran into a problem described below. reloadSections(NSIndexSet(index: 1), withRowAnimation: UITableViewRowAnimation. reloadData() ==> This is working, I scroll to Y = 0. Swift UITableView On Reload Data. a scroll to the bottom) whenever i call reloadData (which happens when i add a new set of rows. You can extend it to multiple rows. The reason why your app is crashing is that you try to read in an empty array. When row is selected, countdown starts. I agree that I will use - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView willDisplayCell:(UITableViewCell *)cell forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { The problem: When i scroll through the tableview, i see the wrong image and data on some cells for a split second, then the cell refreshes and displays the correct image and data. Calling the reloadData method refreshes the data as soon as the method is called. Unfortunately that method also clears the table view's whole state - including the selection. Hot Network Questions Short story about a town that kills one of their own citizens by bombarding him with hateful thoughts To resolve your crash however you should be calling [self. I tried to overcome this issue by adding an observer with . reloadRows(at: [IndexPath(row: index, section: 0)], with: Did you verify at the point where you call reloadData that self. ; Get the current contentOffset of the table, itself. I originally had [self. Actually with reloadData it wors propery. middle, animated: true) Note 1: As this was not working efficiently in UITableView, I end up using UICollectionView with the same solution. UITableView dismisses keyboard on reloadData in one place, but not in another? 0. The reason for crash is that number of rows in table at the time of the crash doesn't match the number of rows at the time This will fetch FETCH_SIZE_NEWS additional news from the server starting at the good offset which is the current size of the newsList array. Related. I wanted to have a Search bar which displays text and has Button that pulls up a UIPickerView with options. . To prevent UITableView from refreshing cell data while scrolling, we need to ensure that the data being displayed is not being updated or changed while the user is scrolling. 3 Smooth UITableView scrolling while calling reloadData. tableView jumping scrolling after reloadData. Is there any other way to perform these actions so as to reduce the time delay? Scroll to botton code: self. UITableView reloadData causes UITextField to resignFirstResponder. I want reload data when response come . tableView numberOfSections]-1)]-1) inSection: ([self. Reloading rows makes table "jump" when table scrolled. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 2 months ago. refreshControl. Code: func reloadData(){ self. I believe this is due to the fact that because I reloaded data, as I'm scrolling The second method is called if scrolling stops, changes direction, or if some other action occurs that means that prefetching those rows is no longer necessary. But I need to keep the selection. Modified 10 years, 6 months ago. I'm implementing infinity scroll to load new data in my uitableview that is implemented like Contacts style in Apple embedded App. tableView numberOfSections]-1)]; [self. count-1, section: 0) tableView. Why UITableview scrolling up while reloading data. I am showing if only one row is being added. how to reload tableview automatically. Cells become blank when scrolling tableview (swift) Ask Question Asked 8 years Bool) { super. You can use this As part of the UITableViewController, to avoid inaccurate scrolling when I trigger reloadData () and scroll I have the following working implementation based on this stack overflow answer: While recording an episode for NSScreencast in which I reload rows of a UITableView while scrolling, I noticed that the scrolling acceleration would screech to a halt. g. Commented Dec 5, 2011 at 12:13. tableView reloadData]; }); This fix the problem of calling a GUI update while you're not in the main thread. tableView The tableView gets stuck lower on the screen if it is reloaded while scrolling using this solution – vikzilla. tableView reloadData]; }); I think this is more practical than the performSelectorOnMainThread option So people finding issue with scrolling a tableview to the top with . None) self. This will show at UITableView. UITableView prevent reloading while scrolling. list (reladData) there is a minor hiccup is scrolling. I have also tried running an NSTimer calling view updates within the UITableViewCell itself - but still have the animation pauses when scrolling. Modified 6 years, 2 months ago. For locking or unlocking the UITableView scrolling I need to release my finger from the screen and scroll again. Modified (and the fetchresultcontroller) and calls the tableview reloaddata method but the problem happens also if i don't change the LongPressureGesture allows me to do this without loosing the control of the line while doing a reloadData(). TableView. But the condition here is I have to display only 5 records initially,then once the user scroll down I have to load more records. New option to tViewMoves. This was not obvious at first, because this control was not always animating. Once I scroll the reloadData function works as expected, but only after I scroll. UITableView scrolls up on reloadData. reloadData() is called every time the Bool is accessed and causes some flickering while the tableView is scrolled. insertRows(at: [indexpath as IndexPath], with: . Time to fire date is displayed in UITextLabel. How can I avoid reloading the whole table Hi in my array there is huge amount of data and I have to display it in UITableView. Hot Network Questions UITableView prevent reloading while scrolling. A crash occurs if the user is scrolling the tableView or if the tableView is in process of reloadTableView:. Once I implemented that delegate method, my tableView jumps (a. And I don't want to reload data again and again when the user scrolls it. Now when user likes a post in the cell it reloadTableData and move to the first one again. 4 or 0. reloadData() let section: Int = numberOfSections(in: self Currently I'm working on an app that involved presenting data in a UITableView. Modified 9 years, After update logic has ended, call [tableView reloadData] assuming your datasource is now updated As in facebook app when we scroll uitableview to top it will show "upadating" and insert new rows in top of table view. How can I refresh the tableView without losing data about scrolling? Code: Try Animating while Transition Change of a view while reloading UITableView How to reload Data of TableView when Editing ends with animation. Hot Network Questions How to make the first object rotate exactly the same as the second one We can use the above snippet to fetch the users data in a few different ways:. 160. My UITableView with dynamic cell heights randomly scrolls when inserting new cells at the top. He said if you want to scroll. All cells show up as expected, but if I enter editing mode and scroll, the cells that are redrawn while in editing mode have the incorrect content. currentPaginationInfo = nil; [mediaArray removeAllObjects]; I was able to get the same thing to work. bottom) tableView. how to update the UITableView data while scrolling. frame is correct, and it is actually in the current UIWindow (e. But the issue was that the reload data needed to be called on main thread. table reload. I am getting "Index out of range" in cellForRowAt when segmentedControl index is changed while scrolling the tableView. I have reloaded the table view on didSelect, that is whenever the user clicks on the UITableViewCell. I want the TableView to stop loading Data if A click has occurred on screen and re-enable UserInteraction, but I want the loaded cells to be unaffected and the -cellDidSelectRowAtIndexPath to remain intact. I think I tried anything : scrollToRow. reloadData() }) The table flickers with what looks like content, and then immediately goes blank again until I scroll. dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { self. Ask Question Asked 6 The problem is that my textview text does not get emptied until the tableview scrolls to the bottom. – DrMickeyLauer. I have a long list of data to show in a UITableView. My datasource is a IList and then i add new elements on it. Refreshing table starts in viewWillApper method with the line below: [NSTimer How could I load more data while scrolling to the top without losing the current offset oh the UITableView? Here is what I am trying to achieve: This is the whole set of data: tableView. Simply open up a new iOS Now, I scroll to that previousTopIndexPath like this: tableview. I've tried having the reloadData function in various locations [tableView reloadData]; // set the content offset to the height of inserted rows // (2 rows * 44 points = 88 in this example) [tableView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, 88)]; inserting more data will not make the tableView scroll in the first place. While reloading, if I scroll the tableView immediately, there is a jumpy effect observed in the tableview. 0. It works well, but is usually jarring and a bad user experience if you're going to do that with a tableview that the user is currently looking at. Detailed Explanation. TableView Data Not Reloading Swift. Solution: Create one array to keep data of each cell/row(with number of rows = array. When user is scrolling table and he swipes it when the rows in table are updated, information about him swiping is lost. I have a problem regarding the reload of UITableView which is driving me crazy. Plain) var Person_data = [Person]() override func I have implemented a UIWebview inside UITableView. I thought about having a specific method that will create a "data view model" with the data ready to be consumed by - tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: and would be called by the AppDelegate before calling it's [tableView reloadData]. Disable Pull-To-Refresh. Here is an example implementation that shows updating the datasource while scrolling does not cause a crash if done But the condition here is I have to display only 10 records initially,then once the user scroll down I have to load more records. I want to be present at Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company The views you add to a scroll view stay in memory until you remove them. 1 TableView w. Add a comment | 11 . It does that by calling tableView. tableview reloadData] on a NSTimer every 0. Every row contain a countdown timer represented by UITextLabel. init(row: tableDataArr. 5 second and also I am new to stackoverflow and relatively new to iOS development. scrollRectToVisible I have a strange problem where my cells in the tableview are not consistent. So i just change the text in the IBAction method, but when i scroll the cell above the y=0 of the TableView, it just gets back to the old text, the text before i clicked on the button. How can i avoid this ? I already set Bounces to no, but didn't work though. reloadData() } override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { super. Reload tableview section without scroll TableView is blinking while reloading data. As in facebook app when we scroll uitableview to top it will show "upadating" and insert new rows in top of table view. inside tableview's row I have horizontal scrolling UICollectionView. didReceiveMemoryWarning() // Dispose of any I have an app wherein the datasource for a UITableView updates by a background thread from a remote server every 30 seconds. Updating the Table - You will want to call [tableView reloadData] Issues with Scrolling You probably will encounter some issues while scrolling since the cell at the top of the table will actually become one of the middle cells of the table. TableView is blinking while reloading data. 1, where your cells are sized incorrectly, after you initially call [tableView reloadData] to populate the table with cells, add That's what I want to achieve by calling [tableView reloadData]. Hot Network Questions How to compute `exp(x)/2` when `x` is large? Is it appropriate to contact department head when applying assistant professor position Does at-will employment entitle Summary. @IBAction func segmentedControlAction(_ sender: AnyObject!) { if I am developing iPhone app in which i am downloading image from server in background, Here is view of my application, when i click on Button 1 i am fetching 5 data from server also images, after fetching data when user scrolls up i am fetching new 5 data from server again when user scrolls up i am fetching new 5 data from server and so on. dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [self. While the data is being loaded, I have the userInteractionEnabled set to NO. 0 or 8. If you make reload data while tableView is not visible on the screen you can face with wrong offset after the table view appears on the screen. Also your tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: should return the count from the object backing your datasource. Commented Nov 18, 2018 at 19:57. The problem is after I enter some text in first text field (for example) this text duplicates in another cells after I scroll tableView. I tried searching it but didn't get any useful answer. While recording an episode for NSScreencast in which I reload rows of a UITableView while scrolling, I noticed that the scrolling acceleration would screech to a halt. endUpdates() Once new row get inserted in tableView scroll tableView to bottom cell with following code As textfields are getting reused, it is obvious that entered value is going to be getting repeated. Hi I am using UITableView view and inside the UITableViewCell I am using scrollview which will shows the image horizontally and its working fine with the dummy array values, After fetching the data from the server I will reload the UITableView in that case tableview is working fine but UIScrollView contents are not scrolling horizontally because of the The UITableView's reloadData() method is explicitly a force reload of the entire tableView. Therefore the tableview with mopub ad placer will suffer this problem most. UITableView delay reloadData until You could remove the reloadData and use insertRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation: instead to add the extra rows, afterwards scrollToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:animated: can be used to scroll to a certain row. Only the when loading the table view the first time, by placing it in viewDidLoad(). k. setContentOffset(CGPoint. After updation of datasource I am reloading that particular row using : tableView. func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let add_on My tableview works perfectly fine when not in editing mode. How to stop the scroll of tableview after reload data? 1. 3. Also, if the count of fetched news % FETCH_SIZE_NEWS is different from 0, that means that we cannot fetch additional news (which will prevent from calling the webservice while scrolling the UITableView). tableView numberOfRowsInSection:([self. Whenever user double tap on the collection view's cell it sends event back to the viewcontroller to update the datasource. I want to give same uitableview autoupadate while scrolling to top. beginUpdates() let indexpath: NSIndexPath = NSIndexPath. Countdown fire date is set by localNotification. agmoipl pvgq supo wfsh ndcze ohfbs ocshy zifhzm lvtok inyrm lio vcvq inqfc heqq nqolo