Xcom 2 wraith suit vs warden armor You still sacrifice an Item slot and you lose a point of Armor, It depends on the classes. Medium Armor (Predator & Warden) get 2 utility slots. The Predator Armor improves on the standard Kevlar Armor by increasing the health of the wearer, and offers a second utility item slot granting soldiers increased tactical flexibility in their loadouts. War Suits are for PsiOps, Grenadiers, and anyone else In mechanical terms, the Wraith Suit is closer to a pure improvement over its counterpart of Warden Armor than the Spider Suit is to Predator Armor. With 2 acid grenades, one plasma and one blaster bomb it really does trivialise most encounters - armor, cover, huge AOE damage, etc. On a few maps the grapeling hook is useful but most maps have so many ways up that it's not worth the loss of armor. It all depends on the squad setup, though; extra slots for grenades and mimic beacons can be lifesaving. X. Protonic Flux. FireKing1990 (Topic Creator) 8 years ago #3. Strangely, the Whailor - if you're using a Spider or EXO suit, or the tier 3 equivalents (Wraith and WAR suits), then you won't have access to the extra item slot, as the bonus power from those suits is what you get instead of the extra utility slot. XCOM 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details [3@[)@$$ Feb 13, 2016 @ 5:35pm Spider/Wraith Suit and EXO Suit/WAR Armor don't get the second slot, because they come with something else (Grapple/Grapple+Wraith, Heavy Weapons slot). With armor/an extra slot you dish out a lot more dmg. Members Online • Opi25 Wraith suits grapple hook doesn't cost a action point, so you can freely get them to the top of a roof and still shoot/overwatch with them. Bluescreen rounds do +5 dmg vs any mechanical unit. Jump to Code List. Wraith Suit : LightPoweredArmor: Warden Armor : MediumPoweredArmor: Battle Scanner : BattleScanner: Overdrive Serum : CombatStims: Medikit : Medikit: Mind Shield : MindShield: Mimic XCOM 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Aug 16, 2017 @ 2:24pm WAR suit v. Wraith Suit 3. Everyone else gets Warden/WAR armor (or special suits, if I have them). O just seems more useful, with +1 armor and +1 health, plus the heavy weapon that comes with it (rocket launchers on everyone). Sharpshooter: I really prefer the wraith suit grapple on these guys. Do you guys think that warden armor is even worth building? XCOM 2. War for the rest. I'll tend to build a wraith suit on ranger/sharpshooter but the rest are all definitely WAR suits. Specialist. g. The Spider Suit is actually a redesign of the Skeleton Suit which was never produced during the 2015 invasion of XCOM 2's alternate timeline. Gotta have skulljack for hack bonus and medkit. Having found various means of integrating the alien materials within designs better suited to our own troops, I think it may be possible to assemble armor made entirely of the recovered alloys and powered by an Elerium cell. Sniper I give Wraith suit because it often stays back for some time on elevated positions, overwatching the team's progress for a while All 3 suits provide a health and defense boost of some kind. The basic upgraded armors (Predator Armor Since you are already able to craft Wraith armor in Proving Grounds you already unlocked Warden armor. Predator Armor is a tier 2 medium armor in XCOM 2. Warden Armor 8. O suit. I know there are a couple differences, but they are minor (to me) and not worth making the base suits anymore. Suits. So I use it to help Long Range Sharpshooters As such I think you will get the most initial mileage out of the Warden Armor and then you can make the other stuff later when resources aren't scarce. A. The Wraith Suit is one of the most sought-after armor sets in XCOM 2, offering unique benefits to Rangers and their teams. No other class benefits from the free melee and heavy weapon slot better than your frontline soldier. The E. Since the tactic of moving your entire squad right next to the enemy for massive If you make other suits also have 2 item slots then Warden armor is useless. FWIW, I'm a semi-veteran of XCOM 2, and while I'm often picky about where my resources get spent (I don't even bother with experimental grenades, personally) I still build a Spider Suit or two. I can raise his already respectable dodge from 26 to 38, or I can buff his defense from 4 to 9. All Discussions and u didnt waste any resources u upgraded the suit into the armor varient which is better than the warden armor level that u get . Icarus is down to personal preference - works great on a Concealment Ranger (Archon Jump breaks concealment - rocket boots are noisy - but is great for getting into position for flanking shots, so it pairs nicely with Conceal/Shadowstrike and Implacable for getting back into cover). R Suit is an Armor in XCOM 2. Last time I played, I used the "Wraith Armor needs no charge" mod. LW2: wraith for top scout shinobi and phantom holo-sniper ( usually cannot afford more than a couple ), spider for snipers , warden on This article will rank the ten best suits of armor in XCOM 2. The Icarus Armor is a unique armor that provides a substantial increase in health, one more than the Warden Armor, along with a single armor XCOM 2 Wiki Guide with Quests, items, weapons, armor, strategies, maps and more. And if you run one explosion Armor is used by XCOM soldiers to provide protection against enemy weapons fire and environmental hazards, along with providing unique abilities to the unit wearing it. I love the mobility of wraith or the extra slot on warden that allows carrying things Compared to Wraith, Serpent Armor (upgraded Serpent Suit) has higher HP, higher Dodge, 1 free Frostbite attack, and potentially panics a Viper. If the user attempts to move through a terrain feature such as a hill or cliff, the soldier is automatically moved to the top of the I usually leave the other classes with predator/warden armor because I like having the extra item slot so they can carry both ammo and something else like a grenade or mimic beacon. It is particularly recommended for Rangers and specialists. 5x Elerium Crystal. Tactical Strategies You can build this Armor from the Proving Ground for the cost listed above. Spider Suit is an Armor in XCOM 2. The Predator and Warden suits only need to be ordered once from Shen, upon Wraith is a special ability of Wraith Suit armor. Suit is ideal for Soldiers on the front lines, and since Grenadiers have 1 Armor already (if you took Blast Padding), they are the logical Discussion sub for the turn-based strategy game from Firaxis, XCOM 2. Along with the Icarus Armor. Xcom 2 at 4k and max details looks better than most modern games of that genre. Like heavy weapons and armor and have lots of resources W. G. Does that mean the Serpent armor can phase through walls like the wraith suit? As far as Icarus armor goes I wish it didn't reveal conceal on using the flight. I also try to add the Superior PCS Chip that boosts the Dodge ability. O. For XCOM 2 Collection on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is there a best armor? Or best for each class?". Suit allows the wearer to charge enemies and inflict brutal melee damage. Ever. The argument for the Wraith suit, albeit situational, is that you can get lots of 100% to hit 100% crit opportunities when put on a ranger, as well as lots of +100% to hit opportunities on a sharpshooter - though the scouting utility of a Wraith ranger is arguably more valuable than dealing damage. (Heavy Weapons in the case of EXO and WAR suits, and the grapple/phasing for the Spider and Wraith). YMMV I usually throw the snek suit on a Ranger, the R. Psi ops aren't thaaaat great against mechanized enemies (atleast CC wise). While the spider suit gives dodge, +1 moviment and the hook, the E. The tactical flexibility they provide means I always build at least 1 or 2. I'll build an EXO suit and a Spider suit, then later a WAR suit and a Wraith suit. The Wraith Suit is essentially an upgraded Spider Suit with a nice boost to dodge and health. Lampros. The Spider Suit is ideal for Sharpshooters as it allows them to quickly ascend buildings and higher vantage points (using Grapple), which increases their Aim and provides other benefits as they rank up. Suit is a heavy-class armor, granting increased mobility and allowing a soldier to mount a heavy weapon. Wraith Armor for rangers. Warden armor is strictly superior to every Predator armor type (Predator, EXO, Spider) and will come For XCOM 2 Collection on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is there a best armor? For light armor the wraith suit, the wraith ability lets you phase directly through objects and gives you amazing mobility. Suit; 13 thigh deco options for Warden Armor; 9 thigh deco options for Wraith Suit; Firaxis - XCOM 2 assets Claus - Warden Gear assets Feel free to visit Claus' Patreon to check out early previews and updates; and to support him on his mod projects: Which suit do you find more useful? I find them both kind of, um, over priced. Wraith suit 2017 @ 2:34pm War suit if you want to be tougher and have a heavy weapon, wraith suit if you want a grapple and a bit more mobility. The prerequisite for Warden Armor is just "Powered Armor" research project. R. (Grapple/Grapple+Wraith, Heavy Weapons slot). O Suit is typically the first heavy armor the player obtains. Suit 7. R suit = Tanky with specialized heavy weapons. More specialized suits, like the E. So just play around with the two of them, and figure out the best playstyle. Also, my Psi Ops tend to get wraith stuff for the additional mobility to position for null lances The R. The Warden Armor is considered all-around better armor in XCOM 2. The Predator and Warden suits only need to be ordered once from Light Armor provides significantly less HP and dodge, but still provides the same mobility bonus, the grappling hook, and for the Wraith Suit, the Phase ability. Wraith Suit = More mobility, useful stuff like a grappling hook and the wraith ability that allows you to run through walls For light armor the wraith suit, the wraith ability lets you phase directly through objects and gives you amazing mobility. Is the Wraith suit worth it XCOM 2? The Wraith suit is XCOM 2’s successor to the Ghost Armor from XCOM: Enemy Unknown / Enemy Within. Personally I WOTC : viper king suit or wraith for snipers , Icarus for grenadier , berserker suit for grenadier , ranger or psi. 100 damage case viper suit 50 damage case rage suit apparently Also 50 damage expected. Wraith: 6 hp, 2 mobility, 25 dodge, active abilities like grapple and going through walls Whereas in XCOM EU, the armor becomes better and more beautiful, in XCOM 2 the predator armor honestly looks like shit. on a Grenadier. Suit 6. Suit is a unique armor comparable to the E. "Mounts a grappling hook and cable on the left arm, permitting rapid elevation change and access to tactically advantageous positions. EXO and WAR suits provide a heavy weapon instead of an extra slot. Spider Suit Information In-game description Tactical Info +4 Health +1 Mobility +20 Dodge; Grapple; Tactical Strategies. Suit, will only result in 1 built per "order" freelance social board - remember, TOU still applies! I'm not sure I understand the question but I'll try. " Grapple is a free action with 3 turn cooldown. (Sniper getting to high ground for free, specialist or melee ranger who needs to get stuck in/to a hurt ally/flanking easier, etc. maybe a Skulljack or Medkit) or by endgame you could just say **** it and put them in a W. Suit has a special ability, the Rage Strike, which allows the wearer to run up and attack an enemy from melee range, dealing damage and shredding armor. I'd considered The Powered Armor is a research project in XCOM 2. Exo-suit offer less protection but gives you a rocket launcher. Basically, walls stop being a problem. Suit is a heavy armor in XCOM 2, and is a more advanced version of the E. It is the most versatile Armor in the game a The armor from the Viper King is light armor (like Spider/Wraith suit) with a grapple, a once-per-mission ability that freezes a target without using an action point, and sometimes causes Vipers to be panicked when they see the wearer. 2x Advent Trooper Corpse. Maybe make a WAR suit early on (but after Warden) so that you can start up the BS RNG-fest for trying for a Blaster Launcher and Shredstorm Cannon, but not until you get the Warden Armor. W. The R. But for say a Heavy, war suit works great, 3 nades and a heavy weapon, or 2 nades, a heavy weapon, and ammo. R. So was was excited to finally get warden armor, but after building it for the squad, I realized that spider armor is superior. Wraith Suit (replaces Spider Suit) Currently, he is wearing Warden armor and has a mobility PCS (+2 move). #1. Constructed from the lightweight and exceptionally durable scales of the Viper King, the Serpent Suit greatly enhances our Discussion sub for the turn-based strategy game from Firaxis, XCOM 2. Vests and Prototype Armor are technically utility items, so they I prefer Warden armor on most because of the extra utility slot. Actually, with the Ruler armors, I don't make any of the proving ground armor anymore. Armor, which is the upgrade of the R. Viper suit is pretty much a better spider suit. Icarus Armor 2. And the War suits oneshot superwapon isn't woth the XCOM 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. plasma depends how you play the game, I ended up with putting W. I prefer Warden armor on most because of the extra utility slot. "Tier 2 or Tier 3 Generic Armor". Elerium, then Powered armors give you Warden armor (+6 HP, +1 armor, 2 slots). Suit. If you get a Serial Sniper before you get Icarus Armor, the free move can give your Sniper just that extra move needed for total annihilation. It helps even it out, because then the character wearing the specialist suit has a tiny bit of extra defense. It can be considered a direct upgrade over the Predator Armor if one of the utility slots used by the The Icarus Armor is medium armor in XCOM 2 available with the Alien Hunters DLC. Hazmat I fund extremely useful on Assaults and Wraith Suits, making a soldier than can move as efficiently as possible and take cover otherwise unusable by others. War armor is good if you want to turn the extra utility slot from warden armor into more EXPLOSIONS. Suit for the additional Powered Weapon, haha. Either option is fairly OP with all the guaranteed damage you can throw out. The W. The wearer of the W. Along with this, the R. but that's assuming it goes by default xcom 2 hit calculations. Last edited by frdnwsm; Sep 25, 2019 @ 2:28am #2. From concealment, you can run in and hit the enemy with the most armor (since rage strike shreds) then get a bladestorm attack on all of the enemies once they scatter, and then still take you normal turn with the ranger because rage strike is a free action. What is the most powerful weapon in XCOM 2? The Plasma Bolt Caster is considered to be the most powerful weapon in XCOM 2 when it comes to damage per shot. 10 leg options for Warden Armor; 5 leg option for Wraith Suit; 5 leg option for W. ) The R. The age of steam has passed and now, oil leads the way as humanity’s newest salvation. The Wraith suit (Light) is also a great option, as higher Psi Operatives can use its intangibility to get better positioning for its Null Lance ability. ETA: Although on a specialist, speaking just for myself, I generally use neither since I want 2 utility Light Armor provides significantly less HP and dodge, but still provides the same mobility bonus, the grappling hook, and for the Wraith Suit, the Phase ability. Suit, is a heavy armor available in the Alien Hunters DLC for XCOM 2. (and also the Viper suit if you have Alien Hunters) Medium armors are the ones that grant you 2 item slots so that would be the Predator and Warden armors. Feb 8, 2016 @ 5:34pm Advanced Armor is Predator and Warden armors. "Allows the unit to pass directly through obstacles for 2 turns". It offers a higher health boost and additional armor compared to other armors like the EXO Suit. suits on everyone and fitting them out with shredders/blasters weapon mod wise, I tend to go with +aim, +instata kill and +3 dmg on miss ( different classes get different load outs) heavies get +aim, + Warden Armor +6 health points +1 armor +1 additional slot for equipment. Note: Purchase once to equip all soldiers with this armor type, replacing basic kevlar or Predator Armor. Keep standard Wraith or Spider suits for providing your long distance snipers a grapple option. Viper armor & Archon armor - these would depend on playstyle but interchangeably on sniper and specialist. Standard armor doesn't provide any other utility, so logically it should have an extra slot. Rationale is that snipers generally benefit most from having a high position early on, especially when that grapple is a free XCOM 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details it affects Armors like the Spider and Wraith Suit. Find below a searchable list of all 202 XCOM 2 item IDs, along with documentation for the AddItem command to use these with. Wraith is great on sharps and rangers. Warden armor is your primary armor for 80% of your soldiers, 20% will wear a war suit, or have a grapple to make use of mobility, Ruler armors have largely been downgraded, and are not all that useful compared to vanilla. Consider equipping the Wraith Suit on Phantom-path Rangers; it adds a large amount of mobility and the ability to bypass obstacles in order to obtain flanking positions and remain in concealment. Thanks should have did the gauss since before The Wraith suit is XCOM 2’s successor to the Ghost Armor from XCOM: Enemy Unknown / Enemy Within. Warden Armor is an Armor in XCOM 2. XCOM 2 Cheats. So i never field more than 2 special armors at a time. For XCOM 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Squad upgrades for armor?". The Spider Suit is a light armor in XCOM 2. It provides an extra health and armor point over the Predator Armor, and can mount a single Heavy Weapon, however it does not provide an extra slot for utilities. Spider and Wraith suit give you a grappeling hook (and wraith gives you the ability to walk through walls). Moving or attacking will cancel the effect. In vanilla XCOM 2, I usually give my Sharpshooters (both Long Range & Pistol specialists) and my Blade Master Rangers the Wraith Suits. However, with new threats on the horizon, the future of the city looks even grimmer than before. Light Armor (Spider, Wraith) get 1 Utility and Grapple (plus Wraith's extra ability). However, I never once used the Wraith's special ability, and the grapple was only intermittently useful. 5x Elerium Crystals. The basic Kevlar armor is in it's own class that is I use a lot of spider/wraith suits on the guys I want to have at higher altitudes. Only the base armors have the extra slot. It will unlock Warden armor for all your troops similarly as if you unlock specific weapon (e. In this article, we’ll delve into the strengths and weaknesses of the Wraith Suit and provide insights to help Armor is used by XCOM soldiers to provide protection against enemy weapons fire and environmental hazards, along with providing unique abilities to the unit wearing it. It is automatically applied to all XCOM soldiers wearing Kevlar Armor when the upgrade is purchased, and is in infinite quantity. (Bear in mind that my wraith suits are limited in number; I can only dole out 1-2 to a squad going out on a mission). Being able to run through walls means a de facto increase in movement, so I am considering giving him a different PCS. FEH:7086368896. Do you guys think that warden armor is even worth building? Stasis Vest is great on soldiers with high dodge, as it will heal back any chip damage immediately. “Wow, icarus suit is disappointing, ruins concealment, and is The rage strike attack of the berserker armor goes especially well with bladestorm on a ranger. Just go Build Items > Armor and pay the cost for Warden Armor. 10 times. All soldiers start wearing Kevlar Armor and research/manufacturing are required to gain access to more advanced armor types. Frostbite is a small bonus, i don't plan on using the rage suit and i give icarus armor to the ranger. So, warden offers no positives compared to wraith and powered? According to rankings, the best armor options in XCOM 2 are: 1. you would know that the Spider Suit unlocked after you did the T2 armor research, and the Wraith Suit unlocked after you did the T3 armor research. It's a little confusing, is each suit a step up from the other one and the earlier suits are outdated as the new ones become available, or do they have different and viable playing options. Serpent Armor . Edit: I never bother with exo suits, those are a waste of mats. (6 hits at 5-2 damage, 4 hits at 10-2 damage =50) but with the war suit route you could increase dodge more to reduce expected damage further. Second Best: Rage armor - ranger class (any build). Prefer utilities - use rest with predator suit. Regular armor there. Mostly. I'd say you typically want 2-3 Wraith Suits by endgame, and probably 2 W. Menu. Suit is able to carry a Heavy Weapon. 1x Elerium Core. Warden = best 'default' armor with 2 utility slots. Icarus armor is an improvement over spider/wraith suit and Berserker armor is a better WAR suit. War/Exo/Etc suits don't get extra inventory. Members Online Found this during one of my mission, a man lying with a banana in ADVENT cell. Wraith + a mobility PCS is like a permanent run and gun. It delivers Discussion sub for the turn-based strategy game from Firaxis, XCOM 2. Squad armor upgrades are Predator Armor so lets say 60 dodge + 2 armor rage suit vs 100 dodge viper suit 10 damage. With beta strike enabled I'd recommend bringing a few EXO/WAR suits with you. Suit (replaces E. I now have powered armor and was wondering what is the best suit to build or use, the EXO, Wrath, or War suit. Suit, the Shieldwall ability. Ranger, psi-op, specialist in Warden suits Sharpshooter in Wraith suits. 50x Supplies. The warden armor is okay but we can only add decals to distinguish our soldier ( + WAR armor and Wraith suit ) Discussion sub for the turn-based strategy game from Firaxis, XCOM 2. For XCOM 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Warden armor". But if you are packing enough firepower, the enemy should rarely get a shot off in late game, so the armor/dodge bonuses aren't as So depends on your group - have snipers,give them spider or wraith suits. Wraith Suit +6 health points +2 mobility +25 dodge Warden: 1 hp, 1 armor, 2 inventory slots war suit: 6 hp, 2 armor, and gives the unit a free rocket launcher. What does the Wraith suit do in XCOM 2? The Wraith Suit in XCOM 2 provides a large amount of mobility and the ability to The R. Suit becomes a piece of full cover wherever they stand: "Provide high cover to squadmates wherever you stand. As with all heavy armors, the R. If you invest in powered weapons you can get some disgusting Warden suit is the all around better armor. Frostpunk 2 is the sequel to the highly acclaimed, BAFTA-nominated society survival game. Thankfully, this suit is tied for the highest mobility in the game. Sniper gets the viper, all he needs is a grappling hook and the armor makes it better than wraith suit except for the no phasing through walls part. An E. Wraith Suit is an Armor in XCOM 2. The Serpent Suit and its upgrade, the Serpent Armor are light armors available with the Alien Hunters DLC. Best Armor: Serpent Armor. Wraith is good for non-gunslinger Think of them as converting your grenade to an extremely long range grenade that can go through obstacles, letting you pinpoint fire an explosive way beyond the normal range of that soldier. I try to only bring one of Wraith suits for sniper spec Sharpshooters, with the Viper Suit/Armor going to the sniper with the highest aim, mobility, and Darklance. R armors. Wraith Suit Information In-game description Tactical Info +6 Health +2 Mobility +25 Dodge; Grapple; Wraith: phase through walls and objects as a free action 2x per match for a 2 turn duration. Plated Armor. Viper+sniper - still has the hook, and gives a freezing ability when a unit gets too close+ dodge Viper armor for snipers. You can just skip them if you prefer wraith/W. The Spider Suit (light armor) gives you Grapple and Dodge, but takes away a utility slot, so you'll have only one, like with Kevlar. . Armor from DLC and the expansion will be included in the rankings. Any reason to use the spider suit variation? Just a little confused with some of the armor options in the proving grounds. Thanks. Wraith for anyone on covert ops if I dont want to fight on ambushes. E. (When you get to WAR suits then you can have both). Last edited by Angela Discussion sub for the turn-based strategy game from Firaxis, XCOM 2. Warden armor also has 2 inventory slots Reply reply SelfAwareSchnitzeI So there's no reason to it upgrade. Suit, however, it provides 1 more health and 1 more mobility. and wound time will be less. E. But that is why I am saying, limit the amount of cores so players can't make 6 specialist suits. Predator gives you a lot more health, allowing your soldiers to usually survive intital attacks (as long as they dont get hit 2 or 3 times) which unarmored soldiers wouldnt survive, specially vs tier 2 and 3 enemies. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews And also there's the question of Wraith suit vs Warden armor. The armor from the Archon King is medium armor (like Predator/Warden armor) with 2 inventory slots, gives The W. Plated Vest is great for armor stacking, give it to your exo suits. Snipers too usually get either wraith suits or Icarus armor. The same applies to the Spider/Wraith suit, which change it out for their little gimmicks. The power can be activated twice per mission. Assault. For heavy the WAR suit gives you armor and a good Wraith suits usually go to the Snipers and Rangers, as you say. I am thinking to put him in a wraith suit instead. suit) +6 health, +2 armor, +1 Heavy Weapons slot Cost: 50 supplies, 10 alloys, 5 elerium, 1 elerium core Note: Allows use of experimental powered weapons. On mouse-over the slot says "Requires Advanced Armor," but I have no research or proving grounds options that suggest a Main article: Armors (XCOM 2) Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Wraith is good for non-gunslinger sharpshooters or anyone with phantom because of the grappling hook, extra mobility, and phasing through walls. Home; The exo suit sucks cuz it only has 1 utility slot. Since using For Specialists you could alternately go for Warden Armor (for the extra equipment slot e. 10x Alien Alloy. The Spider/Wraith and EXO/WAR suits do not have the extra utility slot, but the Predator/Warden armors DO have the extra slot (to make up for the lack of extra utility I find that with certain classes I'd rather have the mobility boost/free move to high ground of the spider and wraith suits rather than the extra armor and heavy weapon of the WAR suit. That's why i prefer grenades to counter these if my specialists fail to hack/are dead/drunk/whatever. Only one instance of Icarus Armor can be built per game, and will be permanently lost if the wearer is captured or killed, and their body not evacuated. " Wraith Suits are basically XCOM 2's version of Ghost Armor, being your advanced grappling armor that provides a secondary form of survival enhancement (Dodge instead of Defense, but whatever) and with an insane out-of-nowhere technological ability that suits aggressive action. Suit +6 health points +2 armor +1 slot for heavy weapons. After researching tier 2 power armor like Wraith and the 2nd gen EXO (name eludes me) I noticed an equipment slot that I'm locked out of. Suit is a heavy armor in XCOM 2. Wraith suit for those that need mobility. Seriously (+20 defense / +1 mobility) beats out (+2 hp / +1 armor) every time in my opinion. Hell, i think every class would be better and more useful with the E. That said, too many suits prevents me from bringing 2 mimics and 2-3 special ammo rounds. Warden Armor Information In-game description Tactical Info +6 Health +1 Armor +1 additional Utility Item; Tactical Strategies Warden Armor will be provided for every Soldier you have once your research Powered Armor in the Research Lab and Build it in Engineering for the cost listed above. R Suit Information In-game description Tactical Info +6 Health +2 Armor +1 Heavy Weapons slot; Tactical Strategies You can build this Armor from the Proving Ground for the cost listed above. Armor R. XCOM 2. Heavy Armor provides less health and armor than medium armor of the same tier, but still provides the Heavy Weapon Slot and for the W. wbz bposuj nfqypt qhgiy twnk zvzq hlqdo ltvif jdq mjo nxzfbmaw qlvwoax napwi nscrk hil